Branding + Marketing
Something we hear in almost every community we work with is that there are a lot of great things happening, but no one knows about it or the community. Part of this problem is attributed to the fact that not many cities or towns have an established identity that can be shared beyond their community. Titusville suffers from this same problem, and what’s more – this has led to a poor sense of community pride.
Atlas identified the need to better communicate the importance and value of Titusville to not only its residents but to those considering travel or relocation.
The foundation for any solid marketing effort is a well-defined and cohesive “look” or brand. Atlas developed a new color palette and logo for Titusville that embodies the vintage-modern style, giving the nod to the rich history of the city while signaling the readiness to look to the future. The logo is used throughout this website and the color palette can be seen below.
Along with the logo coordinated promotional campaign will help raise the profile and interest of the community among residents and visitors.
You're Welcome Campaign
The You’re Welcome Campaign idea came about after much public input and steering committee feedback. Atlas believes this allows Titusville to leverage its rich history and recreational assets.
The campaign is a fun play-on-words opportunity adaptable for residents, businesses, and organizations across town. The You’re Welcome Campaign has endless marketing potential. The dual-meaning tagline can welcome visitors to various attractions or offer tongue-in-cheek history lessons related to the positive downstream impacts of the oil industry.
This campaign is outlined in a playbook and contains the following information:
- An overview of the campaign
- Campaign goals/purpose
- Identified target audiences
- Internal strategy
- External strategy
- Best practices for implementation